Nov 19, 2019
Thank You for Making Our 20th Anniversary Possible.
As the end of a productive 2019 approaches, I reflect on yet another year, especially as this year marks Art of Multimedia's 20th anniversary since incorporation. I find it amusing that with so much of our time spent interpreting the heritage of others, we keep missing our own.
We started 33 years ago in 1986 as Art Kade Video, and as our suite of tools multiplied with technology, we changed our name to encapsulate our expanded activities. Although we often wished it was shorter (hence AOM), it has remained apt.
So much has changed over those years; the services we provide, the communication solutions they form, the tools we work with, the industry sectors we work within.
One thing that has not changed is our flexibility and commitment to quality, and our mission to transform communication to influence our audiences and delight our clients.
So whether we are
- producing a promotional video for a tech startup, such as Securion
- working with a government agency such as Sydney Trains to celebrate industrial heritage, or
- helping not for profit organisations like 3Bridges serve their community with a great website
we are happy to play our part in connecting the minds and hearts of people.
I want to acknowledge and thank all the talented, passionate people who have helped AOM deliver our mission. There are too many to list here. Still, I must at least mention Artur Kade, with whom I started this exciting journey all those years ago, Jason Stevenson and Catherine Neasbey, who, along with our many specialist collaborators bring their best to every project AOM undertake.
Finally, I am equally grateful to you and all our clients, associates and friends (many are all of the above) for the opportunity to get creative with you on projects large and small. Art of Multimedia would not exist without you.
We look forward to co-creating with you again soon.
Beata Kade
Managing Director