Philanthropy Film Campaign
Sydney Eisteddfod has nurtured Australia’s performing artists through its annual music, song, dance and drama festival for the past eight decades. Sydney Eisteddfod wanted to demonstrate the value it delivers to the participants and the philanthropists who support it as it seeks to find new sources of funds needed to continue its work.
We filmed several key donors and a selection of young performers. Interviews delivered unscripted, candid stories that convey the authentic emotion of the value supporters and recipients receive from their involvement.
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Promoting Sydney’s first Automated Vehicle Trial
HMI Technologies was starting their first Automated Vehicle trial in Sydney and needed to capture the launch event, announced by Ministers Constance and Pavey, along with executives from other stakeholders, each representing a key partner in trialling and eventually bringing the benefits of driverless vehicles to the public.
AOM photographed and filmed the launch and ample vehicle footage taken prior to the event and produced a promotional video of the launch event conveying key stakeholders’ perspectives and demonstrating the vehicle in action.
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Campbell Arnott's staff attraction
Campbell Arnott's HR team wanted a video to support their employer brand and social media strategy to attract people who enjoy a fast-paced team environment, like to be challenged, and value the opportunity to make a difference.
AOM captured the dynamic - and fun - culture at Campbell Arnott’s on camera, filming behind the scenes, at the company’s Sydney production and corporate facilities, and featuring staff engaging with each other – at different work activities, at lunch with Campbell Soup and a Vita-Weat Lunch slice, at staff Awards and even in a Tim Tam Slam!
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