The aim of these exhibits was to communicate to general visitors to CSIRO Discovery and to educate visiting school children from each state and territory around Australia on the topics of:
- challenges faced by our agricultural sector
- gene technology
- other research CSIRO is conducting to address the sustainability of Australia's food supply.
The exhibition focused on 3 key areas: Functional Foods, Future Foods and Food Security and Sustainability to deliver the key messages.
AOM designed and developed a suite of interactive designs for 3 areas focussing on:
- The Science behind our food - mounted in the DNA helix, the touch screens delivered a matching screen saver to intrique visitor before offering several choices of content
- Total wellbeing wall - playing existing videos when selected by the visitor and an attractive screensaver delivering key messages when not in use
- Worldwide threats to food - in the form of interactive plates, where a visitor could select from a custom designed menu on each of the three plates, to deliver 6 video and audio stories per plate.